The Conservation of Venus Discovering the Dead Adonis and the Missing Boar | by Cleveland Museum of Art | CMA Thinker | Feb, 2023


By Dean Yoder, Senior Conservator of Paintings and Head of Paintings Conservation

Figure 1. Venus Discovering the Dead Adonis, c. 1650. Italy, Naples. Oil on canvas; 184.4 x 238.8 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marlatt Fund, 1965.19
Figure 2. After cleaning and before retouching during Suhr’s 1964 treatment, documenting extensive damage throughout the painting
Figure 3. After the removal of Suhr’s retouching and older varnish residues from previous interventions
Figure 4. After varnishing and toning the white fill material with a reversible conservation-grade paint matching the original ground color
Figure 5. Detail of Adonis during the inpainting process. Note the improved saturation, better defined musculature, deeper shadows, and softer gradations along the shadow edges.
Figure 6. Detail of the reconstruction of the wild boar being tied up by a putto on the far left
Figure 7. Current status showing partial reconstruction of the boar and inpainting in the figure of Adonis. Large areas of loss still need to be inpainted.

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