How accounts are reviewed and classified


At Sign Up

At sign up we undertake an initial review to safeguard artists and remove accounts that are in breach of our community guidelines.

Post Sign Up

Post sign up, a holistic view of an account starts to form as you increase your engagement with the marketplace. Account activity like uploading new designs, adding social links, or reaching a sales threshold can prompt a re-review. Signals generated from your account activity are used to continually and automatically evaluate accounts. 

These re-reviews may result in three outcomes: Your tier changes, your tier remains the same or, in rare cases, the account may be suspended due to a breach of our community and content guidelines. Once you have moved from Standard to Premium or Pro, re-classification to Standard is unlikely.

An account may be re-reviewed multiple times per year.

Redbubble Standard

Think of the Redbubble Standard tier as a starting point. Artists can move to Premium by positively interacting with the marketplace; developing a personal brand, creating and uploading unique content, generating sales, promoting via social media, and following the community and content guidelines.

Redbubble Premium

Artists can reach the Premium tier as they grow their audience and learn more about their customers. If you are new to Redbubble but have an established follower base, a unique personal brand, or create work that incorporates relevant trends in your own style you can also be eligible for this tier at sign up stage.

Redbubble Pro

Redbubble Pro tier is for artists in our top-seller program. If you have a proven track record of creating unique work that your customers love, you invest time in growing and promoting your Redbubble shop, and you consistently make high sales, you may be invited to join the program when we review top sellers at the start of each year.  

Given the significant number of accounts on the marketplace, we are using a data-driven approach to ensure that each account is properly classified. 

Currently, artists are not able to request a change in account tiers, and we understand this may feel like you’re unable to influence the outcome. We are committed to providing a transparent and trustworthy process and will continuously work to improve our approach based on feedback from the community, so artists can be assured that their accounts are being classified accurately.

To give your account the best chance moving into the Premium or Pro tier we recommend the following:

  • Creating based on trends or themes your customers are searching for 
  • Increasing the commercial success of your designs
  • Driving direct high quality traffic to your Redbubble store
  • Uploading designs that showcase your unique creative skills 
  • Uploading your best work with attention to image resolution and product formatting
  • Completing your bio and adding links to your social profiles


You can check your account tier at any time by navigating to the new Account Tiers and Fees page from the Artist Dashboard. Here you will also find a record of any account fees deducted from your monthly earnings in previous pay cycles.  



Featured Image: Silicon Garden – candy | Designed and sold by miranema

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