This week is one of my Botanical Art Weeks – because Plantae 2023, the Annual Exhibition of the Society of Botanical Artists is on at the Mall Galleries this week.

I’ve been Private Viewing, dining out with lots of botanical artist friends, photographing artwork, writing blog posts etc. Three more to go!

The Private View on Tuesday – apparently c.300 attended

So if you’re interested you can see some of what I’ve been getting up to on

here’s a short excerpt from my first post

1) I’ve been to most of the PVs since 2006 when I started to visit the show (and then review it) and I have NEVER seen as many people at the PV as yesterday evening.
2) I’ve also never seen so many young people at the PV of (any) Art Society PV at the Mall Galleries. It’s really very significant that the SBA has invested in bringing on young artists – and is attracting others!
I understand the SBA Diploma Stand was also doing great business with lots interested!

Here’s a short excerpt

Here are the headlines for WHAT’S CHANGED

  1. fewer artworks on the wall 
  2. a much more botanical emphasis
  3. more artists from international countries
  4. more younger artists exhibiting 
  5. many more people at the Private View
  6. ​what’s missing this year

The general consensus has been that it’s a very attractive exhibition with a very high standard of botanical art on the wall – from both a scientific and artistic perspective.

You can see it in the West and North Galleries at the Mall Galleries today and tomorrow (10am – 5pm). However there is no online exhibition and the catalogue has sold out and is being reprinted!